Here you are on the point of activating your sourdough. You’ll see that the process is very simple and will only take a few minutes a day.
Once it’s ready, your sourdough will enable you to make extraordinary bread and a number of other recipes (pizza dough, crepes, biscuits…). Moreover, you’ll be able to keep it as long as you want by seeing that you always keep a bit aside for your next recipe and by feeding it properly.
Activation time: 5 days, 5 minutes a day
You’ll need:
- Pouch of dehydrated sourdough
- Organic four
- Chlorine- and fluoride-free water (if you use tap water, allow it to sit for a day beforehand)
- Glass container holding at least 500 ml
The type of sourdough you have will depend on the flour you feed it with. To preserve the flavors of the original sourdough, a flour made from the same grain has to be used. However, you can make the transition to another type of sourdough at any time by feeding it with a different flour. For example, to get a kamut sourdough, feed your sourdough with kamut flour a few times. This is a way of changing the taste of your breads and discovering new grains!
How to activate your sourdough
- The ingredients must be at room temperature and be weighed in order to guarantee the success of the operation.
Baking is an art that demands precision! - At each stage, mix the ingredients together with a fork. Allow the sourdough to sit at a temperature between 21 °C and 30 °C. Cover it with a piece of cloth or with plastic wrap, but not so it’s completely sealed.
Don’t forget that sourdough is alive – and therefore has to breathe! - After each rest stage, keep only the specified amount of mixture.
- The initial activation mixture is made up of the pouch to which you will add the amounts of flour and water specified in the table below in step 1
Once the sourdough is ready, you can use it in a recipe.
Don’t forget to put part of it aside for your next use. For all the details, read the article “Using and conserving your sourdough.”